Uses of Class

Packages that use VigiaClientException

Uses of VigiaClientException in org.vigia.client.driver

Methods in org.vigia.client.driver that throw VigiaClientException
 void WiiUseJDriver.addIRListener(IRListener l)
 void Driver.addIRListener(IRListener l)
          Adds an infrared listener for the infrared events.
 void IRListener.onIREvent(Coordinates c, int xVRes, int xYRes)
          Actions to do when the Wiimote detects a change in the position of the infrared leds.
 void WiiUseJDriver.onIrEvent(wiiusej.wiiusejevents.physicalevents.IREvent irEv)

Constructors in org.vigia.client.driver that throw VigiaClientException
          Detects the Wiimote and starts the thread that polls the events of the Wiimote.

Uses of VigiaClientException in org.vigia.client.gui.controller

Methods in org.vigia.client.gui.controller that throw VigiaClientException
 void ClientController.onIREvent(Coordinates c, int xVRes, int yVRes)

Uses of VigiaClientException in org.vigia.client.gui.view

Methods in org.vigia.client.gui.view that throw VigiaClientException
 void View.closeAdvancedConnectionSettingsPanel()
          Close the dialog box to change the advanced setting of the connection.
 void Panel.closeAdvancedConnectionSettingsPanel()
 void View.closeConnectToServerPanel()
          Close the dialog box to connect to a server.
 void Panel.closeConnectToServerPanel()
 void View.closeGetScreenShotPanel()
          Close the dialog box for getting a screen shot.
 void Panel.closeGetScreenShotPanel()
 java.lang.String View.getControlPort()
          Gets the control port from a dialog box.
 java.lang.String Panel.getControlPort()
 java.lang.String View.getDataPort()
          Gets the data port from a dialog box.
 java.lang.String Panel.getDataPort()
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage View.getImage()
          Gets a screenshot of the video.
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage Panel.getImage()
 java.lang.String View.getIPServer()
          Gets the IP address of the server from a dialog box.
 java.lang.String Panel.getIPServer()
 java.lang.String View.getResolution()
          Gets the desired resolution of the screen.
 java.lang.String Panel.getResolution()
 java.lang.String View.getScreenShotURL()
          Gets the url where the screenshot will be saved.
 java.lang.String Panel.getScreenShotURL()
 void View.reloadLog()
          Reloads the log file.
 void Panel.reloadLog()
 boolean View.showAboutInfo()
          Shows information about the application.
 boolean Panel.showAboutInfo()
 void View.showAdvancedConnectionSettingsPanel()
          Shows the dialog box to change the advanced setting of the connection.
 void Panel.showAdvancedConnectionSettingsPanel()
 void View.showConnectToServerPanel()
          Shows the dialog box to connect to a server.
 void Panel.showConnectToServerPanel()
 void View.showGetScreenShotPanel()
          Shows the dialog box for getting a screen shot.
 void Panel.showGetScreenShotPanel()
 boolean View.showImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage frame)
          Shows an image in the panel.
 boolean Panel.showImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage frame)
 boolean View.showLog()
          Reads a log file and shows its content in a added window.
 boolean Panel.showLog()

Uses of VigiaClientException in org.vigia.test

Methods in org.vigia.test that throw VigiaClientException
 void ViewTest.onIREvent(Coordinates c, int xVRes, int yVRes)
 void MovementPrinter.onIREvent(Coordinates c, int xVRes, int yVRes)
 void CoordinatesPrinter.onIREvent(Coordinates c, int xVRes, int yVRes)